--- title: "Technical Manual for the mse FLR/a4a package" author: - "Iago MOSQUEIRA (WMR)" - "Ernesto JARDIM (MSC)" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{mse} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} bibliography: bibliography.bib tags: [MSE FLR] license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International --- ```{r, pkgs, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = T, comment = "#>", fig.align="center") library(mse) ``` # Introduction This is an introduction. # S4 classes ## FLom ```{r FLom, echo=FALSE, out.width='50%', fig.cap="**FLom class**: Structure of the FLom class. Slot name followed by the slot class, in parenthesis."} knitr::include_graphics('diagrams/FLom.png') ``` ## FLmse ```{r FLmse, echo=FALSE, out.width='50%', fig.cap="**FLmse class**: Structure of the FLmse class. Slot name followed by the slot class, in parenthesis."} knitr::include_graphics('diagrams/FLmse.png') ``` ## FLoem ## FLiem ## mpCtrl ## mseCtrl # Functions ## mp() ```{r mp, echo=FALSE, out.width='50%', fig.cap="Workflow of the mp() function."} knitr::include_graphics('diagrams/mp.svg') ``` ### args The *mp()* function takes as input a named list called *args*. These are arguments of the MSE run, and determine the time frame, frequency of application and lags. Only one argument is required: - *iy*, intermediate year. Only required element in *args*. The first year in which the procedure is applied. For all other, default values are generated acording to the *om* object dimensions, or from internal defaults, as follows: - *y0*, first year. Defaults to start of *om*. - *fy*, final year. Defaults to last year of *om*. - nsqy, number of years to use for *status quo* calculations. Defaults to 3. - *it*, number of iterations. Defaults to iterations in *om*. - *data_lag*, difference between final year of data and *iy*. Defaults to 1. - *management_lag*, number of years between year of year of application and implementation. - *frq*, frequency. How often is the procedure to be applied, and for how long is a recommendation valid. Defaults to 1. All these values can be simply overiden by including them in the *args* argument to *mp()*. The complete list of arguments is available to every *@method* function in any element in the MSE control. In addition, these year dimension nbames vector, generated inside *mp()*, can also be used in any module function: - *vy*, the years in which the procedure is to be applied, from *iy* to *fy*. A character vector. ## performance() # Extending mse with your own functions ## hcr ## sa # More information * You can submit bug reports, questions or suggestions on `mse` at the `mse` issue page ^[], or on the *FLR* mailing list. * Or send a pull request to * For more information on the FLR Project for Quantitative Fisheries Science in R, visit the FLR webpage ^[]. * The latest version of `mse` can always be installed using the `devtools` package, by calling ```{r, devtools, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} library(devtools) install_github('flr/mse') ``` ## Software Versions * `r version$version.string` * FLCore: `r packageVersion('FLCore')` * mse: `r packageVersion('mse')` * **Compiled**: `r date()` * **Git Hash**: `r system("git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1", intern=TRUE)` ## Author information **Iago MOSQUEIRA**. Wageningen Marine Research. **Ernesto JARDIM**. Marine Stewardship Council. # References