Technical Manual for the mse FLR/a4a package


This is an introduction.

S4 classes


**FLom class**: Structure of the FLom class. Slot name followed by the slot class, in parenthesis.

FLom class: Structure of the FLom class. Slot name followed by the slot class, in parenthesis.


**FLmse class**: Structure of the FLmse class. Slot name followed by the slot class, in parenthesis.

FLmse class: Structure of the FLmse class. Slot name followed by the slot class, in parenthesis.







Workflow of the mp() function.

Workflow of the mp() function.


The mp() function takes as input a named list called args. These are arguments of the MSE run, and determine the time frame, frequency of application and lags. Only one argument is required:

  • iy, intermediate year. Only required element in args. The first year in which the procedure is applied.

For all other, default values are generated acording to the om object dimensions, or from internal defaults, as follows:

  • y0, first year. Defaults to start of om.
  • fy, final year. Defaults to last year of om.
  • nsqy, number of years to use for status quo calculations. Defaults to 3.
  • it, number of iterations. Defaults to iterations in om.
  • data_lag, difference between final year of data and iy. Defaults to 1.
  • management_lag, number of years between year of year of application and implementation.
  • frq, frequency. How often is the procedure to be applied, and for how long is a recommendation valid. Defaults to 1.

All these values can be simply overiden by including them in the args argument to mp(). The complete list of arguments is available to every (method?) function in any element in the MSE control. In addition, these year dimension nbames vector, generated inside mp(), can also be used in any module function:

  • vy, the years in which the procedure is to be applied, from iy to fy. A character vector.


Extending mse with your own functions



More information

  • You can submit bug reports, questions or suggestions on mse at the mse issue page 1, or on the FLR mailing list.
  • Or send a pull request to
  • For more information on the FLR Project for Quantitative Fisheries Science in R, visit the FLR webpage 2.
  • The latest version of mse can always be installed using the devtools package, by calling

Software Versions

  • R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
  • FLCore:
  • mse:
  • Compiled: Sun Feb 23 09:22:36 2025
  • Git Hash: 7db6911

Author information

Iago MOSQUEIRA. Wageningen Marine Research. Ernesto JARDIM. Marine Stewardship Council.
